

  • The evolving retail landscape, including omnichannel, digitalization, and hyper-personalization adds complexity to already challenging retail roles.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the retail industry by simplifying data analysis and enhancing decision-making.
  • An AI-driven retail intelligence platform allows retailers to leverage data insights without requiring extensive data analysis expertise.
  • EDITED provides comprehensive AI for retailers, delivering quick access to insights, streamlining decision-making, and allowing them to focus on merchandising. 




When the check engine light comes on in your car, you know it’s time to go to the shop for an inspection. You don’t need to understand how the engine or the intricacies of a car actually work to understand the signals it gives you. 

You don’t need to be a mechanic or an engineer to drive, so why should you have to be a data scientist to succeed in retail? 

With AI, you don’t.


In the Changing World of Retail, Simplify Your Day With AI Technology


The retail world is more complex than ever. And, while you can’t undo the complexity, you can use AI technology to simplify everyday processes. 

As a retailer, there is so much to think about. Your world is constantly changing.  

For a time, a retailer’s job was all about connecting products to the right customers. Then came omnichannel strategy, a pandemic, digitalization, a move to hyper-personalization, etc., making everything more complicated. 

With all of this change comes an exorbitant amount of data. There is so much more to think about, to analyze, and to incorporate into your day job. 

Luckily, alongside all the changes in retail, there have also been tremendous advancements in technology and digital platforms that help you draw insights and automate previously manual tasks.


The Importance of AI for Retailers


The primary goal of AI-driven retail intelligence technology is to leverage historical and current data to make informed decisions about various aspects of retail operations. These include, assortment planning and adjusting, pricing strategies, inventory management, and site merchandising. 

Using artificial intelligence in retail means that with a few clicks of a button, you have the insights you need, leading to: 

  1. Improved operational efficiency
  2. Increased revenue
  3. Better customer engagement  


Reducing the Noise


An AI-driven retail intelligence platform is a powerful tool that can be used to simplify your job by acting as the signal through all of the noise. And, the best part is, you don’t need to be a data scientist to reap the benefits.

With AI retail intelligence, you can quickly and easily get answers to questions you would have previously spent hours digging through data to find. This technology surfaces actionable insights ranging from the most specific answer to the most in-depth analysis, depending on the level of detail you need.  


Connecting Data


By integrating real-time and historical performance, customer, and market data, you have the ability to analyze your strategy and positioning in a contextualized way. 

Instead of only looking at what is happening in silos, with connected data, you can see why it is happening and make market-informed, profit-aware, and customer-centric retail decisions because you have a clear understanding of where to take action.  

Because data is pre-prepared and insights are automated, you: 

  1.  Save valuable time
  2. Make data-driven decisions that propel your business toward increased growth and success 


Conclusion – EDITED’s AI for Retailers


Just as you don’t need to be an automotive engineer to drive your car, you shouldn’t have to be a data scientist to navigate the intricate world of retail. 

EDITED’s Retail Intelligence Platform incorporates world-class AI technology to simplify this process, connecting the dots between your data points and providing actionable insights. 

By simplifying and automating processes with AI, EDITED enables you to focus on what truly matters: making informed decisions and enhancing your customers’ shopping experience. 

Let us handle the mess so you can get back to merchandising – without getting lost in the data. Discover how EDITED’s AI for retail can elevate your retail strategy here: request a demo