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Discover strategies retailers are using to protect and boost margins. Learn tips and tricks for an effortless transition into the new year.
Learn how to win in fast fashion today with Vogue. Dive into Topshop's revival and what retailers should expect in 2025.
Watch this on-demand webinar for an explorative discussion on the saturated trend landscape and how retailers can stay ahead.
For buyers, merchandisers, and designers looking to maximize denim & footwear profits, this 15-minute webinar highlights the key trends to watch for SS25.
Gen Z and millenials are divided on key trends. Watch this 15-minute webinar and uncover how to effectively cater your retail strategy to both generations.
Unlock deeper insights with a comprehensive data lake. See how a market data API enhances your retail business and eliminates blindspots.
Simplify your job and boost profits with Retail Intelligence. Discover how connected market data provides clarity and streamlines decisions.
Understand the key challenges retailers face in setting prices. Learn how to optimize profitability without compromising competitiveness.
Lenzing's Johannes Stefan joins EDITED to dive into the data behind the global apparel market’s sustainable initiatives and discuss sustainability's role in retail.
Dive into the capabilities AI, Machine Learning, & GenAI can offer, along with its strengths and limitations.
Better define merchandising strategies with access to connected internal data. Learn how to leverage your existing internal business data to localize and optimize your assortment across multiple channels and gain a holistic view of your entire business.
Brands and retailers need to pivot from just thinking about what makes them money to who makes them money.