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By Function


Make decisions with confidence and be ready to back them up with data. Whether determining the right trends to buy into, what your category or color mix should be, or how to balance margin across your assortment – make sure you have the full picture at your fingertips.

woman in retail buying role

Key Challenges

Manual Research

Doing market research manually is not feasible with the amount of time and resources I have.

Quality vs Cost

How do I strike the right balance between high quality and being able to define a price that will sell and meet our targets?

Complex Business Environment

In a global, omni-channel environment, how do I buy and price products across the channels and regions I sell in?

Justifying Decisions

I need an independent source of truth when validating my choices internally because it’s difficult to argue with data.

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Market Informed Business Insights

Bring together market data and your enterprise data to get a full picture of your impact and performance.

Identify and Prioritize Opportunities

Take back time in your busy day by quickly identifying and focusing on the highest-impact opportunities that drive growth.

Validate Your Decisions

Be confident in your choices internally with an independent source of truth — it's difficult to argue with data.

Customer-Centric Merchandising

Know not only what makes you money, but who makes you money so you can put energy into your most profitable customers.

Sustainable Approach

Keep an eye on emerging and dying trends and never miss an opportunity to promote sustainability in your business.

How EDITED Helps

assortment chart assortment chart assortment chart basket analysis product - omnichannel retail strategy

Identify white space

EDITED pulls together crucial data from the market to present a visual assortment chart that helps buyers and merchants make data-driven decisions by exposing areas of opportunity. This chart can be utilized to understand the breakdown of categories and styles across an assortment.

Drill down into performance

Perform a YoY analysis to visualize how different categories change over time and how the competitive mix shifts. With access to this data, you can more accurately create your own assortment to maximize full price sell-through.

Understand product mix

This chart allows you to understand the mix of products across the range. For example, how many options exist in Bottoms vs. Dresses? You can dive even deeper to understand at a subcategory level too. For example, how many wrap vs. shift dresses to ensure you optimize your inventory across your range based on both customer and market needs.

Basket analysis

Allows buyers to identify products or categories that are frequently purchased together, enabling more strategic buying for upcoming seasons and marketing opportunities. For example, identify if customers purchase bathing suit separates that are mix-matched or a matching set.

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Boston Proper logo

“I use EDITED’s dashboards to get early selling reads even before our weekly projection report comes out so we are definitely moving faster. As merchants, we are always working on the next item on our list so this allows us to move faster and make informed decisions.”

Lindsay Idle

Senior Director of Merchandising, Boston Proper

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Start operationalizing intelligence in your business today.